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Local News & Advisory (2024/06/20)

Important Update: Partner Home UI Change


我们很高兴地通知您,我们的Partner Home系统界面即将于6月19日进行一系列重要更新,以提高您对订单的管理和追踪能力。

CastleGate 仓库入仓订单(CastleGate Inbound Order)页面可供您查看所有入仓订单。具体路径如下: Inventory → Inbound Orders → Inbound Order Management;或点击链接: https://partners.wayfair.com/d/manage-inbound-orders


1. 查找订单

  • 您可以在单一视图中管理所有由CGF和供应商管理的订单。
  • 提供对内部转移(IXD)货物的全面可见性。
  • 您可以通过ACN以及其他字段类型(如order ID, shipment ID, container number, BOL)进行搜索。
  • 新增筛选(订单状态与服务类型)以及快速筛选(起始地与目的地)。

2. 追踪订单

  • 您可以在订单列表中查看所有订单类型的运输信息。
  • 清晰区分已发货和待计划发货订单,包括区分计划数量和已发运数量。
  • 查看订舱信息。
  • 查询CFS运输分拆情况。
  • 新增货运状态节点:订舱状态、驳船、转运港、铁路预计到达时间、空箱提取等

3. 更新订单

  • 改进编辑流程,增加了验证功能和更清晰的错误信息提示。
  • 提供所有货运(已发货和待计划发货订单)路径的合并CSV下载功能。

我们相信这些改进将显著提升您的订单管理和追踪体验。您也可以参考Partner Home 中的帮助文章了解更多详情,链接如下 https://partners.wayfair.com/help/2/article/1831。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随时联系您的 CGF客户经理。



Dear Valued Partner,

We are pleased to inform you that our Partner Home system interface will undergo a series of important updates on June 19 to improve your ability to manage and track your orders.

The CastleGate Inbound Order page allows you to view all inbound orders. The specific path is as follows: Inventory → Inbound Orders → Inbound Order Management; or click the link: https://partners.wayfair.com/d/manage-inbound-orders

The following are the key points of this update:

1. Find my order

  • CGF and supplier managed orders under a single view
  • Visibility into internal transfers (IXD) shipments
  • Ability to search by ACN and other field types (e.g. order ID, shipment ID, container number, BOL)
  • Quick filters (status and services) and new filters (origin and destination)

2. Track my order

  • Ability to view shipments for all order types in the order list
  • Clear distinction between orders and shipments, including the ability to distinguish between planned and shipped quantities
  • Visibility into booking information
  • Visibility into shipment splits at cross dock facilities (i.e. DBF and CFS)
  • New milestones (booking events, barge, trans-shipping port, rail ETAs, empty picked up)

3. Update my order and overall experience

  • Improved editing flow with added validations and clearer error messaging
  • Consolidated CSV download (orders and shipments across all freight paths)

We believe this change will enhance your experience with CGF. You could also read the article in Partner Home as below link to get more details.( https://partners.wayfair.com/help/2/article/1831) Should you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact your CGF Account Manager.

Thank you for your continued partnership.

CastleGate Forwarding