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Local News & Advisory (2024/05/29)

Important Update: Streamlined Invoicing for Asia Logistics Services



对于2024年5月1日及之后到达 CFS 的货件,我们已从 ACN(CFS散货仓出库)的账单开具模式转换为 ACI(CFS散货仓入库)的账单开具模式。


  • 简化账单:您将按照每批入库货物的ACI SPO 收到账单,而不是按照每次拆分出库的ACN SPO 收到账单
  • 透明的成本核算:每次 ACI 发货的总成本清晰明了
  • 详细信息:每次 CSV下载费用都会列出 ACI 和 ACN ID,目的地和立方米数

请注意:账单将于最后一批散货仓出库的货物在启运港进港后 30 天开具。

我们相信这一改进将提高您对CGF亚洲散货服务的体验。 如果您有任何疑问或需要更多信息,请随时联系您的 CGF客户经理。



Dear Valued Partner,

We're pleased to announce a significant improvement in how we issue invoices for Asia Logistics services, designed to simplify your experience and provide greater clarity.

We have transitioned from issuing invoices at the ACN (Outbound from CFS) level to the ACI (Inbound to CFS) level for shipments arriving at the CFS on or after May 1, 2024.

What this means for you: 

  • Simplified Invoicing: You'll now receive invoice per ACI shipment vs. per ACN split
  • Transparent Costing: A clear overview of the total cost for each ACI shipment
  • Detailed Information: Each charge on CSV download will list both ACI and ACN IDs, as well as destination and CBM

Please note: Invoices will be issued 30 days after the gate-in at the origin port of the last ACN shipment.

We believe this change will enhance your experience with CGF Asia Logistics services. Should you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact your CGF Account Manager.

Thank you for your continued partnership.

CastleGate Forwarding